Lethal enforcers snes box
Lethal enforcers snes box


Including the bosses who are I'll admit a bit over the top comic book villain types but I don't mind and fits with the game.

lethal enforcers snes box


Really like the designs of the baddies who are pretty much all the arctitypal and stereotypical bad guys you would see from action films and TV shows. But the mere fact that the bad guys look like your every day people pointing guns at you, you really felt like you were fighting not just to save the day but yourself in the process. Ok, not totally as most of the baddies are ridiculous bad guy archetypes like the bosses which I'll get to in a minute. This added to the suspense of the game as it helped in creating that sense of jeopardy and danger feel just a little real.


It really was something else seeing a game that didn't look like a Saturday morning cartoon, having backgrounds and characters that looked like what you see in the everyday world or a live action movie and TV show. The game was one of the introductions of photo realistic presentation which was a new thing in the 90's, this is something you would recognize in other games most notably "Mortal Kombat". The graphics are very solid, for its time they were considered cool, looking at them now I still think their really good for serving its purpose for the time and the nature of the game. By its nature the game is pretty much a shooting gallery but it's coated with a whole different set of paint and detail. At the time this game was considered one of the most violent video games of all time, though looking at it now it really doesn't look all that bad compared to what we have but you have to realize when it comes to certain video games that came out at certain times and decades, things were a lot different and we saw things a lot differently.

lethal enforcers snes box

So this game did three big things for me which is part of why it's so special, it helped me become a marksmen for the games but also it brought me into the genre and become a fan. Also at the time I wasn't totally into the "Light Gun" genre at the time because I wasn't all that good at it, but after seeing this game I decided to give the genre a chance and start learning to develop my marksmen ship, so I can play the game.

lethal enforcers snes box

As a kid from the 90s, this game just blew me away, I've seen some in the past but never one like "Lethal Enforcers" as there really hasn't been like it before. The game was a bit slightly revolutionary for it's time, in a way really helped make the light gun genre not just shoot with higher caliber but also become a permanent genre to stay. This is one of my favorite video games and light gun games of all time.

Lethal enforcers snes box