A world which, to no avail, fails to respond appropriately to their message.

Clayton “Teddy” Oglethorpe (Rob Morgan) to tell the world the truth about the comet-that it is coming and that, in six short months, it will kill all of humanity.
Together, Mindy and Dibiasky work with NASA scientist Dr. The comparison to Thunberg is on point: While outside COP26, the international climate negotiations in Scotland this year, the impassioned 18-year-old Swedish activist famously chanted, “You can shove your climate crisis up your ass!” candidate at Michigan State University who is sick of the government’s inaction and all-around bullshit. Dibiasky, who Lawrence and DiCaprio have compared to climate activist Greta Thunberg in interviews, is a foul-mouthed and (understandably) emotional Ph.D. His incessant nerves reflect the existential doom and climate anxiety of younger generations across the globe. Anthony Fauci, is a character many of us might relate to. Mindy, a panic-ridden scientist and professor seemingly inspired by the White House’s Dr. And while there are many lessons we can take away, one main message echoed throughout the film: It’s time to eat the rich (before it’s too late).
The movie is a heavy metaphor for the leading crisis we face today: climate change. Kate Dibiasky (played by Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence) who have discovered a planet-killing comet headed directly toward Earth, and their desperation to communicate its severity to a distracted population. Directed by Adam McKay, the film follows the trials and tribulations of two astronomers, Dr. Imagine a world where blind nationalism, political division, science denialism, capitalism, and an obsession with pop culture run rampant-sound familiar? In Don’t Look Up, Netflix’s latest star-studded, irreverent, witty, apocalyptic comedy, audiences come face to face with a parody of our own reality.